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Articles Posted in Temporary Spousal Support


What are the Requirements for a Valid Premarital Agreement in Texas?

Pre-nuptial agreements, called premarital agreements under Texas law, are frequently in the news and even in pop culture references (shout-out to Kanye West).  You may think that living in Dallas, Kaufman, or Rockwall County that you don’t need to worry about a premarital agreement, but they can be a very…


Texas’ Recognition of an Out-of-State Divorce Decree: A Look into the Court of Appeals’ Approach

Chapter 8 of the Texas Family Code governs spousal maintenance, Texas’ own form of “alimony”.   Spousal maintenance is not easily obtained by divorcing parties; in fact, the legislature has created a pretty high threshold.  But, the issue becomes what if you have an out of state decree that speaks to…


I cannot afford our house without my husband’s income. Will he still have to pay the mortgage during the divorce?

Many people avoid getting divorces because they cannot afford to do so.  They know that they depend upon the other spouse’s income in order to continue paying the bills.  You are not alone in wondering how you will be able to afford everything during and after your divorce.  You know…

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