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Articles Posted in Temporary Orders


New Kaufman County Coronavirus Family Law Custody Order

Courts are working to head off problems with custody orders caused by the Coronavirus.  If you have a custody order you must keep up with these orders, since they apply to you. The most recent order on family cases in Kaufman County is from March 25th. Standing Order Governing Possession…


Violations of Temporary Orders, What Are Your Options?

If you have a current pending divorce or suit affecting the parent-child relationship then you most likely have temporary orders in place.  If not, in most family law cases you do want to ensure that you have temporary orders granted by the Court so that you know what you should…


Can I Appeal a Temporary Orders Hearing?

You just finished the first big hearing in all family law cases that sets the status quo of the case and gives you an idea as to how the judge is leaning in your situation—the temporary orders hearing.  You do not like the outcome and you feel that the judge…

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